Thursday, September 20, 2007

Court Orders Burial of Mummified Baby

In Concord, NH a judge ordered a man, named Charles Peavey, to bury his family heirloom, which is a mummified baby that has been passed down for generations through his family. Authorities took the mummy last year after the man’s niece mentioned it at a day care center.

Tests showed that the baby died of natural causes but they didn’t find that the baby was related to the family. The mummy won’t be given back to the Peavey family until they prove the mummy is related to them through DNA testing. The family says the mummy is the child of a great-great uncle. The mummy, named Baby John, had been placed on display on a bureau in the Peavey home. Relatives and friends would treat the mummy like a family member and give it cards during the holiday and a dried fish as a pet. If there is no relation found to the mummy, the baby is ordered to be buried.

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